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Harwell Office Garden, a year on....

Julia Charles

Lovely to visit this garden a year after we finished planting it up. The plants have matured and grown quite prolifically. A lot of garden compost was added to the beds prior to planting and the Verbena bonariensis and Achillea were huge!

It is so rewarding to see how much the new design has integrated the beautiful cedar-clad garden office into the family garden. The owners are very pleased with their new garden layout and the colours and form that the plants give to the space. The views from the house down the length of the garden are now full of colour and interest. The lawns are more in scale with the building, patio and decking as you step down from one to the other. Now that the lawns are no longer required to be a football pitch or basketball practice area, they offer a calm backdrop to some exciting planting colour combinations, although after having so little rain this summer they are currently somewhat parched!

For more details and photos please

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